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Bootstrap button


Bootstrap Button (Button) JavaScript widget that allows you to strengthen the function of the button. You can control the state of the button, you can create a button group of components, such as toolbars.

What is required

You must reference jquery.js and bootstrap-button.js - two JavaScript files. They are located in the docs / assets / js folder.

How to use it

You can not write any JavaScript marked only by use of the plug-in, you can enable the button using JavaScript.


The first example demonstrates how to use the button without JavaScript plugin.


<Div class = "container">
<Div class = "row">
<Div class = "span8">
<H2> Bootstrap button JavaScript widget instance </ h2>
<H3> Control Status </ h3>
<P> <button id = "fat-btn" data-loading-text = "loading ..." class = "btn btn-primary"> Loading State </ button> </ p>
<H3> item switches </ h3>
<P> <button class = "btn btn-primary" data-toggle = "button"> Single Toggle </ button> </ p>
<H3> check box </ h3>
<P> <div class = "btn-group" data-toggle = "buttons-checkbox">
<Button class = "btn btn-primary"> Left </ button>
<Button class = "btn btn-primary"> Middle </ button>
<Button class = "btn btn-primary"> Right </ button>
</ Div> </ p>
<H3> checkbox </ h3>
<P> <div class = "btn-group" data-toggle = "buttons-radio">
<Button class = "btn btn-primary"> Left </ button>
<Button class = "btn btn-primary"> Middle </ button>
<Button class = "btn btn-primary"> Right </ button>
</ Div> </ p>
</ Div>
</ Div>
</ Div>
<-! Except 'Control state', other buttons require only jquery.js and bootstrap-button.js JavaScript files ->
<Script type = "text / javascript" src = "/ twitter-bootstrap / twitter-bootstrap-v2 / docs / assets / js / jquery.js"> </ script>
<Script src = "/ twitter-bootstrap / twitter-bootstrap-v2 / docs / assets / js / assets / js / bootstrap-transition.js"> </ script>
<Script src = "/ twitter-bootstrap / twitter-bootstrap-v2 / docs / assets / js / bootstrap-alert.js"> </ script>
<Script src = "/ twitter-bootstrap / twitter-bootstrap-v2 / docs / assets / js / bootstrap-modal.js"> </ script>
<Script src = "/ twitter-bootstrap / twitter-bootstrap-v2 / docs / assets / js / bootstrap-dropdown.js"> </ script>
<Script src = "/ twitter-bootstrap / twitter-bootstrap-v2 / docs / assets / js / bootstrap-scrollspy.js"> </ script>
<Script src = "/ twitter-bootstrap / twitter-bootstrap-v2 / docs / assets / js / bootstrap-tab.js"> </ script>
<Script src = "/ twitter-bootstrap / twitter-bootstrap-v2 / docs / assets / js / bootstrap-tooltip.js"> </ script>
<Script src = "/ twitter-bootstrap / twitter-bootstrap-v2 / docs / assets / js / bootstrap-popover.js"> </ script>
<Script src = "/ twitter-bootstrap / twitter-bootstrap-v2 / docs / assets / js / bootstrap-button.js"> </ script>
<Script src = "/ twitter-bootstrap / twitter-bootstrap-v2 / docs / assets / js / bootstrap-carousel.js"> </ script>
<Script src = "/ twitter-bootstrap / twitter-bootstrap-v2 / docs / assets / js / bootstrap-typeahead.js"> </ script>
<Script src = "/ twitter-bootstrap / twitter-bootstrap-v2 / docs / assets / js / application.js"> </ script>

View online examples

Button is enabled through javascript

To enable the button through JavaScript, please use the following JavaScript code, where '.nav-tabs' is a class that contains the buttons div.

 $ ( '. Nav-tabs'). Button () 


The plug-in has some methods. We will now be discussed by the usage code.

$ (). Button ( 'toggle')

 <Button class = "btn" data-toggle = "button"> ... </ button> 

The method of switching the button state. It gives the appearance of button states and has been activated. Using the 'data-toggle = "button"' button automatically switches to the active state.

$ (). Button ( 'loading')

 <Button class = "btn" data-loading-text = "loading stuff ..."> ... </ button> 

The state method Settings button loading - coming home button is disabled and the text is switched to loading. You can define loading text on the button element by using the 'data-loading-text' property.

If you use the Firefox browser, you will find that, after the page loads, disabled does not automatically released, please use the 'autocomplete = "off"' to avoid this problem.

$ (). Button ( 'reset')

The method reset button status, and button text back to the original value.

$ (). Button (string)

 <Button class = "btn" data-loading-text = "loading stuff ..."> ... </ button> 

The method reset button status, text and reset buttons on the value passed.

<Button class = "btn" data-complete-text = "finished!"> ... </ Button>
	$ ( '. Btn'). Button ( 'complete')
</ Script>

Click here to download the tutorial to use all the HTML, CSS, JS and image files.