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Java Examples - Varargs variable parameters

Java Examples Java Examples

Java1.5 provides a new feature called varargs is a variable length parameter.

"Varargs" is "variable number of arguments" meant. Sometimes simply referred to as "variable arguments"

Variable number of arguments defined method: just add three consecutive (ie, "..." in the English sentence ellipsis) between a parameter "type" and "parameter name", "." you can make an argument and uncertain match.

The following example creates sumvarargs () method to count the value of all the numbers:

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public class Main {
   static int  sumvarargs(int... intArrays){
      int sum, i;
      for(i=0; i< intArrays.length; i++) {
         sum += intArrays[i];
   public static void main(String args[]){
      int sum=0;
      sum = sumvarargs(new int[]{10,12,33});
      System.out.println("数字相加之和为: " + sum);

The above code is run output is:

数字相加之和为: 55

Java Examples Java Examples