Latest web development tutorials

HTML DOM Password readOnly property

Password Object Reference Password objects

Definition and Usage

readOnly property sets or returns whether the password field is read-only.

Read-only field can not be modified. However, users can select it and copy the text.


Set readOnly properties:


Back readOnly attributes:


Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

All major browsers support readOnly property



The following example code field is set to read-only:

<! DOCTYPE html>
<Meta charset = "utf-8">
<Title> This tutorial ( </ title>
function setResult () {
document.getElementById ( "pwd") readOnly = true.;
</ Script>
</ Head>

Password: <input type = "password" id = "pwd">
</ Form>
<Button type = "button" onclick = "setResult ()"> Set read-only </ button>

</ Body>
</ Html>

try it"

Password Object Reference Password objects