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HTML DOM TableHeader colSpan property

TableHeader Object Reference TableHeader objects


Change the number of columns spanned by a cell:


try it"

Definition and Usage

colSpan property sets or returns the value of colspan attribute.

colspan attribute specifies the number of columns in a table cell can be spanned.

Tip: Use rowSpan property to set or return the value of rowspan attribute.

Browser Support

Internet ExplorerFirefoxOperaGoogle ChromeSafari

All major browsers support colSpan property.


Back colSpan properties:

tableheaderObject .colSpan

Setting colSpan properties:

tableheaderObject .colSpan=number

Property Value

number 规定一个单元格可横跨的列数。

technical details

return value: Number representing the number of columns in a table cell can be spanned.

More examples


Returns a specified number of columns in a table cell can be spanned:

var x = document.getElementById("myTh").colSpan;

x The output is:


try it"

related articles

HTML Reference Manual: HTML <TH> colspan attribute

TableHeader Object Reference TableHeader objects