AngularJS filter
Filters can use a pipe character (|) to add to the expressions and instructions.
AngularJS filter
AngularJS filter can be used to convert the data:
filter | description |
currency | Format numbers formatted as currency. |
filter | Selecting a subset of items from the array. |
lowercase | Format string to lowercase. |
orderBy | Array arrangement according to an expression. |
uppercase | Format string to uppercase. |
Add Filter Expressions
Filter through a pipe character (|), and a filter is added to the expression. .
((Two examples below, we will use the previous section mentioned person controllers))
uppercase filter string formatted as uppercase:
AngularJS examples
<P> name is {{lastName | uppercase}} < / p>
</ Div>
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lowercase filter to lowercase string formatting:
AngularJS examples
<P> name is {{lastName | lowercase}} < / p>
</ Div>
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currency filter
currency digital filter will be formatted as currency format:
AngularJS examples
<Input type = "number" ng -model = "quantity">
<Input type = "number" ng -model = "price">
<P> total price = {{(quantity * price) | currency}} </ p>
</ Div>
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Add filters to the instruction
Filter through a pipe character (|), and a filter is added to the directive.
orderBy filter array arrangement according to the expression:
AngularJS examples
<Li ng-repeat = "x in names | orderBy: 'country'">
{{ + ',' +}}
</ Li>
</ Ul>
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Filter input
Input filter through a pipe character (|), and a filter is added to the directive, the filter followed by a colon and a model name.
filter filters select a subset from the array:
AngularJS examples
<P> <input type = " text" ng-model = "test"> </ p>
<Li ng-repeat = "x in names | filter: test | orderBy: 'country'">
{{( | uppercase) + ',' +}}
</ Li>
</ Ul>
</ Div>
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