ASP.NET Web Pages WebMail Reference Manual
By WebMail object, you can easily send e-mail from a Web page.
WebMail object ASP.NET Web Pages provides methods of using SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to send e-mail function.
See the WebPages Email chapter instance.
WebMail Object Reference - Property
属性 | 描述 |
SmtpServer | 用于发送电子邮件的 SMTP 服务器的名称。 |
SmtpPort | 服务器用来发送 SMTP 电子邮件的端口。 |
EnableSsl | 如果服务器使用 SSL(Secure Socket Layer 安全套接层)加密,则值为 true。 |
UserName | 用于发送电子邮件的 SMTP 电子邮件账户的名称。 |
Password | SMTP 电子邮件账户的密码。 |
From | 在发件地址栏显示的电子邮件(通常与 UserName 相同)。 |
WebMail Object Reference - Methods
方法 | 描述 |
Send() | 向 SMTP 服务器发送需要传送的电子邮件信息。 |
Send () method has the following parameters:
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
to | String | 收件人(用分号分隔) |
subject | String | 邮件主题 |
body | String | 邮件正文 |
Send () method has the following optional parameters:
参数 | 类型 | 描述 |
from | String | 发件人 |
cc | String | 需要抄送的电子邮件地址(用分号分隔) |
filesToAttach | Collection | 附件名 |
isBodyHtml | Boolean | 如果邮件正文是 HTML 格式的,则为 true |
additionalHeaders | Collection | 附加的标题 |
Technical data
名称 | 值 |
Class | System.Web.Helpers.WebMail |
Namespace | System.Web.Helpers |
Assembly | System.Web.Helpers.dll |
Initialize the WebMail helper
To use the WebMail helper, you must have access to an SMTP server. SMTP is the "output" section of the e-mail. If you are using a virtual host, you may already know the name of the SMTP server. If you're using a corporate network to work, your company's IT department will give you a name. If you are working at home, you may be able to use ordinary e-mail service provider.
To send an email, you will need:
- SMTP server name
- Port number (typically 25)
- Username email
- Email password
In your Web root directory, create a file called _AppStart.cshtml page (if it already exists, you will directly edit page).
Copy the following code to the file:
WebMail.SmtpServer = "";
WebMail.SmtpPort = 25;
WebMail.EnableSsl = false;
WebMail.UserName = "[email protected]";
WebMail.Password = "password";
WebMail.From = "[email protected]"
The above code will run at each site (application) starts. It WebMail objects assigned an initial value.
Replace: will replace a name that you want to use to send e-mail SMTP server.
25 will replace the server used to send SMTP transaction (e-mail) port number.
If the server uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer Secure Sockets Layer) encryption, set false replace true.
Will replace [email protected] a name used for sending e-mail SMTP e-mail accounts.
Will replace the password into the password SMTP e-mail accounts.
Will replace john @ example to appear in the e-mail sender's address bar.
AppStart in your file, you need to start WebMail object, but before calling WebMail.Send () method, you must set these properties. |