C language tutorial

C language is a universal, process-oriented type of computer program design language. In 1972, in order to transplant and development of the UNIX operating system, Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratories developed the C language design.
C language is a widely used computer language, it is as popular with the Java programming language, both between modern software programmers have been widely used.
Who should take this tutorial?
This tutorial is designed from scratch to learn C language programmers to create software. This tutorial will allow you to have sufficient knowledge of C language, so as to enhance your own level of expertise.
Before reading this tutorial, you need to know:
Before beginning this tutorial, you need to have a basic computer programming terminology understanding. Any kind of a basic understanding of programming language will help you understand C language programming concepts, and help speed up your learning progress.
Compile / execute a C program
int main ()
/ * My first C program * /
printf ( "! Hello, World \ n");
return 0;
Running instance »