XML Schema date / time data types
Date and time data types for values that contain the date and time.
Date data type (Date Data Type)
Date data type is used to define the date.
Date This format is defined: "YYYY-MM-DD", where:
- YYYY indicates the year
- MM is the month
- DD represents the number of days
Note: All components are required
The following is a statement about the schema date examples:
Elements in the document should look like this:
Time zone
To specify a time zone, you can also add a date in the "Z" way, using the world time (UTC time) to enter a date - like this:
Or such later date as may be by adding a positive or negative time methods to adjust the provisions to the world based on the time offset - like this:
h2> Time Data Types (Time Data Type)
Time data type is used to define the time.
Time is defined using the following format: "hh: mm: ss", which
- hh is the hour
- mm is the minute
- ss represents seconds
Note: All components are required!
Here is an example of a time in the relevant schema declaration:
Elements in the document should look like this:
Or like this:
Time zone
To specify a time zone, you can also add in time after a "Z" way, using the world time (UTC time) to enter a time - like this:
Or can be created after the time to add a positive or negative time methods to adjust the provisions to the world based on the time offset - like this:
Date Time data type (DateTime Data Type)
Datetime data type is used to define the date and time.
Date and time using the following format definition: "YYYY-MM-DDThh: mm: ss", where:
- YYYY indicates the year
- MM is the month
- DD is the day
- T indicates the start time necessary portion
- hh is the hour
- mm is the minute
- ss represents seconds
Note: All components are required!
Here is an example of a schema related to the date and time stated:
Elements in the document should look like this:
Or like this:
Time zone
To specify a time zone, you can also add a date and time in the "Z" way, using the world time (UTC time) to enter a date and time - like this:
Or can be created after the time to add a positive or negative time methods to adjust the provisions to the world based on the time offset - like this:
h2> duration data types (Duration Data Type)
Data type for the duration of a predetermined time interval.
Interval using the following format to specify: "PnYnMnDTnHnMnS", in which:
- P represents the cycle (required)
- nY represents the number of years
- nM indicates the number of months
- nD represents the number of days
- T represents the time portion of the initial (if you plan specified hours, minutes and seconds, this option is required)
- nH indicates the number of hours
- nM the number of minutes
- nS the number of seconds
Here is an example of a schema related to the duration of the declaration:
Elements in the document should look like this:
The above example shows a five-year period.
Or like this:
The above example shows a 5 years, 2 months and 10 days cycle.
Or like this:
The above example shows a 5 years, 2 months, 10 days and 15 hours period.
Or like this:
The above example shows a 15 hours period.
Negative duration
To specify a negative duration, enter a minus sign before the P:
The above example shows a negative 10-day cycle.
Date and time data types
name | description |
date | Define a date value |
dateTime | Define a date and time value |
duration | Defines a time interval |
gDay | A part of the definition of a date - the day (DD) |
gMonth | A part of the definition of a date - the month (MM) |
gMonthDay | A part of the definition of a date - the month and day (MM-DD) |
gYear | A part of the definition of a date - Year (YYYY) |
gYearMonth | A part of the definition of a date - the year and month (YYYY-MM) |
time | Define a time value |
Date data type defined (Restriction)
Can be used in conjunction with the date data type is defined:
- enumeration
- maxExclusive
- maxInclusive
- minExclusive
- minInclusive
- pattern
- whiteSpace