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Bootstrap LESS

Brief introduction

Less is a CSS preprocessor, so CSS dynamic.

On the other hand, Bootstrap is a rapid development of Web App site and toolkit.

In this tutorial, we will discuss the Bootstrap with Less CSS knowledge about the use of. This way, you can use the Less Bootstrap variable, mixed (mixins) and nesting (nesting) in the CSS.

View Less Start Tutorial

Get Bootstrap and Less CSS

Bootstrap official website:

Less official website:

What is included in

Download Bootstrap, unzip the file. Less Bootstrap's components are located under the 'lib' directory. From Bootstrap v1.4.0 version since, it contains nine less files. Here we take a look at what each containing nine files.


This is the main Less file. The file import some other less files. The file does not contain any code.


Less This file contains the layout of the form, the type of input box style.


This document lets Less CSS code can be reused.


Less This file contains the CSS code duplication of user interface elements will not be located scaffolding Less file basic style overrides.


Less This file contains the CSS reset. This is Eric Meyer's CSS reset an update. Some HTML elements such as reset dfn, samp, etc. are exempt.


Less This file is saved to create the grid system, structured layout, the basic style that you want the page template.


Less This file contains the styles created table.


Less can be found in this document typography styles. Headings, paragraphs, lists, and other styles of code inside the file is located.


This file contains Less Bootstrap to customize the look and feel of variables.

how to use

If you want to use it, include the following code in your HTML page:

<Link rel = "stylesheet / less" href = "lib / bootstrap.less" media = "all" />
<Script src = "js / less-1.1.5.min.js"> </ script>

Please note, less-1.1.5.min.js not js folder, you need to download and put it in the specified folder.

LESS variables and variable values, and usage guidelines


@linkColor # 08c The default link color
@linkColorHover darken(@linkColor, 15%) The default link color hover

Gray color

@black # 000
@grayDarker # 222
@grayDark # 333
@gray # 555
@grayLight # 999
@grayLighter #eee
@white #fff

Accent color

@blue # 049cdb
@green # 46a546
@red # 9d261d
@yellow # Ffc40d
@orange # F89406
@pink # C3325f
@purple # 7a43b6

Push button

@primaryButtonBackground @linkColor


@placeholderText @grayLight

Navigation Bar

@navbarHeight 40px
@navbarBackground @grayDarker
@navbarBackgroundHighlight @grayDark
@navbarText @grayLight
@navbarLinkColor @grayLight
@navbarLinkColorHover @white

Status and notification form

@warningText # C09853
@warningBackground # F3edd2
@errorText # B94a48
@errorBackground # F2dede
@successText # 468847
@successBackground # Dff0d8
@infoText # 3a87ad
@infoBackground # D9edf7

Bootstrap mixed

The basic mix

The basic mix essentially, is to include the entire or part of the code snippet. Wording similar to a CSS class, you can call anywhere.

.element {

Mixed with parameters

Mixing and mixing with basic parameters like, except that the former can receive parameters (by name), the parameters can have default values.

.element {

Easy to customize

Substantially all of the mixing Bootstrap are stored in mixins.less, this is an excellent tool .less class file, we can mix them in any .less file.

Therefore, the direct use of existing or custom mix a new mix can be.

Comprising mixing


mixing parameter usage
.clearfix() no Clear float
.tab-focus() no Similar Webkit gets the focus and style similar to Firefox's outsourcing line
.center-block() no Use margin: auto to automatically centered block-level elements
.ie7-inline-block() no Add Rule display: inline-block to support IE7
.size() @height: 5px, @width: 5px Quick set the line width and row height
.square() @size: 5px Based on .size() set square area
.opacity() @opacity: 100 Set the percentage of transparency (such as "50" or "75")


mixing parameter usage
.placeholder() @color: @placeholderText Set the input box placeholder font color


mixing parameter usage
#font > #family > .serif() no Application of an element of a series of serif serif
#font > #family > .sans-serif() no Application of an element of a series of sans-serif fonts
#font > #family > .monospace() no Application of an element of a series of monospace font
#font > .shorthand() @size: @baseFontSize, @weight: normal, @lineHeight: @baseLineHeight Easy to set the font size, weight and line spacing
#font > .serif() @size: @baseFontSize, @weight: normal, @lineHeight: @baseLineHeight Setting serif font family serif, font size, weight and line spacing
#font > .sans-serif() @size: @baseFontSize, @weight: normal, @lineHeight: @baseLineHeight Setting sans-serif font family, font size, weight and line spacing
#font > .monospace() @size: @baseFontSize, @weight: normal, @lineHeight: @baseLineHeight Setting monospace font family, font size, weight and line spacing

Grid system

mixing parameter usage
.container-fixed() no Create a horizontal center of the container for receiving contents
#grid > .core() @gridColumnWidth, @gridGutterWidth Use n columns and x pixel pitch width to generate a pixel grid system (container, row, column)
#grid > .fluid() @fluidGridColumnWidth, @fluidGridGutterWidth Use n columns and x% pitch width to generate a percentage of the grid system

CSS3 properties

mixing parameter usage
.border-radius() @radius: 5px Filleting element can be a single value, or may be a value of the four corners
.box-shadow() @shadow: 0 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.25) Apply a shadow elements
.transition() @transition Adding CSS3 transition effects (for example, all .2s linear )
.rotate() @degrees A rotating element of degree n
.scale() @ratio A scaling element n times the original size
.translate() @x: 0, @y: 0 Mobile x and y pixels in the plane
.background-clip() @clip Background clipping an element (for border-radius )
.background-size() @size CSS3 by changing the background image size
.box-sizing() @boxmodel Change an element box (box) model (for example, with 100% of the width input on the border-box )
.user-select() @select Change the page of the text selection cursor
.resizable() @direction: both Change the lower right corner coordinates to reset the element size
.content-columns() @columnCount, @columnGap: @gridColumnGutter Let element content using CSS3 columns

And gradient background

mixing parameter usage
#translucent > .background() @color: @white, @alpha: 1 Setting an element's background color and transparency
#translucent > .border() @color: @white, @alpha: 1 Setting an element's border color and transparency
#gradient > .vertical() @startColor, @endColor Create a cross-browser vertical gradient background
#gradient > .horizontal() @startColor, @endColor Create a cross-browser level gradient background
#gradient > .directional() @startColor, @endColor, @deg Create a cross-browser has a slope gradient background
#gradient > .vertical-three-colors() @startColor, @midColor, @colorStop, @endColor Create a cross-browser tricolor background gradient
#gradient > .radial() @innerColor, @outerColor Create a cross-browser radial gradient background
#gradient > .striped() @color, @angle Create a cross-browser striped background gradient
#gradientBar() @primaryColor, @secondaryColor Button is used to specify a gradient background and shallow dark border

How to compile

Node.js with the makefile

Run the following command using npm install LESS command-line compiler and uglify-js in the global environment:

$ npm install -g less uglify-js

After successful installation, in the root directory of your Bootstrap run make to compile the CSS.

Also, if you have installed watchr, you can run make watch, so every time you modified Bootstrap, it will automatically recompile Bootstrap. (Must not run, do so just out of convenience.)

Using JavaScript

Simply references less.js file ( download the latest Less.js ) and reload the page.

js file will compile less.

<link rel="stylesheet/less" href="/path/to/bootstrap.less">
<script src="/path/to/less.js"></script>

Command Line

Less if you have installed the command line (Command Line), prototype to compile the following command:

$ lessc ./lib/bootstrap.less > bootstrap.css

If you want to compile a compressed, you can use --compress command.

Less Mac app

Although unofficial, but there is an available Less Mac application can be used to compile.

Click here to download the tutorial to use all the HTML, CSS, JS and image files.