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SVN Tutorials

Apache Subversion is usually abbreviated to SVN, is an open source version control system, Subversion in 2000 CollabNet Inc developed by now developed into a project of the Apache Software Foundation, it is also part of a rich developer and user community .

SVN with respect to the RCS, CVS, use the branch management system, which is designed to replace CVS. Free version control services based on the Internet more than Subversion.

Who should take this tutorial?

This tutorial is for demand to have version control and software developers interested in learning the basics SVN SVN through this step by step tutorial, you can learn to use SVN.

Before reading this tutorial, you need to know

Before you continue with this tutorial, you simply have to have a certain understanding of the term, such as source code, documentation, and so on. If you have software development or software testing experience is the best.

Subversion usage

While in the year 2006 Subversion use the group still far less than the traditional CVS, but there have been many open-source community decided to CVS converted to Subversion. Subversion has been converted using the included FreeBSD, Apache Software Foundation, KDE, GNOME, GCC, Python, Samba, Mono and many groups. There are many teams switching to Subversion because Trac provided project management environment. In addition, some free software development collaborative network, such as SourceForge addition to CVS, but now also offers project developers use Subversion as the source code management system, JavaForge, Google Code as well as the official BountySource places Subversion source code management system.

Related Links

SVN's official website:

Github SVN Source: