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SVN startup mode

First, the configuration SVN repository on the server side

Manually create the repository directory

mkdir /opt/svn

Create repository use svn command

svnadmin create /opt/svn/w3big

Start the service by using the command svnserve

svnserve -d -r 目录 --listen-port 端口号
  • -r: determines the configuration repository access.

  • --listen-port: Specifies the SVN listening port, without this parameter, the default monitor SVN 3690

  • Because -r configuration is not the same, SVN can start two different access methods

    One way: -r directly assigned to the repository (called single-mode library svnserve)

    svnserve -d -r /opt/svn/w3big

    In this case, a svnserve can only work for a repository.

    authz configuration file is the repository of authority should write:


    Use like this URL: svn: // to access the repository w3big

    Second way: Specifies the parent directory to the repository (called multi-mode library svnserve)

    svnserve -d -r /opt/svn

    This case, a svnserve for multiple repositories work

    authz configuration file is the repository of authority should write:


    At this point, if you use [/], then the root of all libraries, empathy, [/ src] represents the root directory all the src directory under the library.

    Use like this URL: svn: // w3big to access the repository.