Swift Methods
Swift is a function of the method associated with certain types
In Objective-C, classes are the only type defined methods. But Swift, you not only can choose whether you want to define a class / struct / enum, but also flexible in type (class / struct / enum) that you create on the definition method.
Instance Methods
In Swift language, an instance method belongs to a particular class, a structure or enumerated type instances.
Instance method provides the following methods:
You can access and modify instance properties
Example providing object-related functions
Examples of methods to write around it belongs between the types of braces ({}).
Examples of implicit method can access all methods and properties of other instances of the type to which it belongs.
Examples of methods can only be called a particular instance of the class to which it belongs.
Instance method can not be separated on the existing instance is called.
func funcname(Parameters) -> returntype { Statement1 Statement2 …… Statement N return parameters }
import Cocoa class Counter { var count = 0 func increment() { count++ } func incrementBy(amount: Int) { count += amount } func reset() { count = 0 } } // 初始计数值是0 let counter = Counter() // 计数值现在是1 counter.increment() // 计数值现在是6 counter.incrementBy(5) print(counter.count) // 计数值现在是0 counter.reset() print(counter.count)
The above program execution output is:
6 0
Counter class defines three instance methods:
so that the counter is incremented by one; -
incrementBy(amount: Int)
make counter by a specified integer value is incremented; -
the counter is reset to 0.
This class also declares a variable attribute count
, use it to keep track of the current counter value.
Local parameter name and the name of the method the external parameters
Swift function parameters can have both a local name (in the body of the function used internally) and an external name (used when calling functions
Swift methods and Objective-C method very similar. Like in Objective-C, the same as the name of Swift in the method usually a preposition points to the first parameter method, for example: with, for, by, and so on.
Swift default only to the method of the first parameter the name of a local parameter name; the default at the same time to the second and subsequent global parameter name parameter name.
The following examples 'no1' declared locally in the parameter name in the swift. 'No2' for global declarations and accessed through an external program.
import Cocoa class division { var count: Int = 0 func incrementBy(no1: Int, no2: Int) { count = no1 / no2 print(count) } } let counter = division() counter.incrementBy(1800, no2: 3) counter.incrementBy(1600, no2: 5) counter.incrementBy(11000, no2: 3)
The above program execution output is:
600 320 3666
Whether to provide external name settings
We force the first argument to add an external name to the name of the local name as external use (Swift 2.0 before using the # sign).
Instead, we can use it also underscores (_) to set the second and subsequent arguments do not provide an external name.import Cocoa class multiplication { var count: Int = 0 func incrementBy(first no1: Int, no2: Int) { count = no1 * no2 print(count) } } let counter = multiplication() counter.incrementBy(first: 800, no2: 3) counter.incrementBy(first: 100, no2: 5) counter.incrementBy(first: 15000, no2: 3)
The above program execution output is:
2400 500 45000
self property
Each instance of the type has a property called implicit self, self exactly the same as the instance itself.
You can use this implicit self a property in an instance method instance to reference the current instance.
import Cocoa class calculations { let a: Int let b: Int let res: Int init(a: Int, b: Int) { self.a = a self.b = b res = a + b print("Self 内: \(res)") } func tot(c: Int) -> Int { return res - c } func result() { print("结果为: \(tot(20))") print("结果为: \(tot(50))") } } let pri = calculations(a: 600, b: 300) let sum = calculations(a: 1200, b: 300) pri.result() sum.result()
The above program execution output is:
Self 内: 900 Self 内: 1500 结果为: 880 结果为: 850 结果为: 1480 结果为: 1450
Modify the value type instance method
Swift language structures, and enumerations are value types. In general, the type of the property value can not be modified in its instance methods.
But if you really need to change the structure or enumerated property in a specific way, you can choose the variation (mutating) the method, then the method can change the properties from the internal method; any changes, and it does at the end of the method it will be left in the original structure.
The method also can give it implied self property assignment a new instance of this new instance to replace the original instance with method.
import Cocoa struct area { var length = 1 var breadth = 1 func area() -> Int { return length * breadth } mutating func scaleBy(res: Int) { length *= res breadth *= res print(length) print(breadth) } } var val = area(length: 3, breadth: 5) val.scaleBy(3) val.scaleBy(30) val.scaleBy(300)
The above program execution output is:
9 15 270 450 81000 135000
In the process variable assigned to self
Variable method can assign attributes self implied a new instance.
import Cocoa struct area { var length = 1 var breadth = 1 func area() -> Int { return length * breadth } mutating func scaleBy(res: Int) { self.length *= res self.breadth *= res print(length) print(breadth) } } var val = area(length: 3, breadth: 5) val.scaleBy(13)
The above program execution output is:
39 65
Type methods
Instance method is a method is called an instance of the type, you can also define the type of method calls itself, this method is called type method.
Statement structure and enumerated type method before func keyword method with the keyword static. Class might use the keyword class to allow subclasses override the parent class implementation.
The same type and instance methods using the dot (.) Syntax to invoke.
import Cocoa class Math { class func abs(number: Int) -> Int { if number < 0 { return (-number) } else { return number } } } struct absno { static func abs(number: Int) -> Int { if number < 0 { return (-number) } else { return number } } } let no = Math.abs(-35) let num = absno.abs(-5) print(no) print(num)
The above program execution output is:
35 5