Swift type conversion
Swift language type conversions can determine the type of instance. Can also be used to detect whether an instance instance type parent class or sub-class.
Swift is the type conversion and use as operators realize, is used to detect the type of values, as for the conversion type.
Type conversions can also be used to check whether a class implements a protocol.
Define a class hierarchy
Examples of type conversion type for detecting whether a particular instance type.
You can use it in the hierarchy of classes and subclasses, type checking specific instance of the class and the conversion of this type in this instance of the class hierarchy to become other types.
Examples are as follows:
class Subjects { var physics: String init(physics: String) { self.physics = physics } } class Chemistry: Subjects { var equations: String init(physics: String, equations: String) { self.equations = equations super.init(physics: physics) } } class Maths: Subjects { var formulae: String init(physics: String, formulae: String) { self.formulae = formulae super.init(physics: physics) } } let sa = [ Chemistry(physics: "固体物理", equations: "赫兹"), Maths(physics: "流体动力学", formulae: "千兆赫")] let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "固体物理", equations: "赫兹") print("实例物理学是: \(samplechem.physics)") print("实例方程式: \(samplechem.equations)") let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "流体动力学", formulae: "千兆赫") print("实例物理学是: \(samplemaths.physics)") print("实例公式是: \(samplemaths.formulae)")
The above program execution output is:
实例物理学是: 固体物理 实例方程式: 赫兹 实例物理学是: 流体动力学 实例公式是: 千兆赫
Check Type
Type checkingis to use keywords.
Operatoris to check whether a particular instance of a subtype.If the instances that belong to the sub-type, type checking operator returns true, otherwise it returns false.
class Subjects { var physics: String init(physics: String) { self.physics = physics } } class Chemistry: Subjects { var equations: String init(physics: String, equations: String) { self.equations = equations super.init(physics: physics) } } class Maths: Subjects { var formulae: String init(physics: String, formulae: String) { self.formulae = formulae super.init(physics: physics) } } let sa = [ Chemistry(physics: "固体物理", equations: "赫兹"), Maths(physics: "流体动力学", formulae: "千兆赫"), Chemistry(physics: "热物理学", equations: "分贝"), Maths(physics: "天体物理学", formulae: "兆赫"), Maths(physics: "微分方程", formulae: "余弦级数")] let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "固体物理", equations: "赫兹") print("实例物理学是: \(samplechem.physics)") print("实例方程式: \(samplechem.equations)") let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "流体动力学", formulae: "千兆赫") print("实例物理学是: \(samplemaths.physics)") print("实例公式是: \(samplemaths.formulae)") var chemCount = 0 var mathsCount = 0 for item in sa { // 如果是一个 Chemistry 类型的实例,返回 true,相反返回 false。 if item is Chemistry { ++chemCount } else if item is Maths { ++mathsCount } } print("化学科目包含 \(chemCount) 个主题,数学包含 \(mathsCount) 个主题")
The above program execution output is:
实例物理学是: 固体物理 实例方程式: 赫兹 实例物理学是: 流体动力学 实例公式是: 千兆赫 化学科目包含 2 个主题,数学包含 3 个主题
Downcast, with the conversion operator (as? Or as!)
When you are unsure downcast can be successful, with the condition in the form of type conversion (as?). Conditions in the form of type conversion always returns an optional value (optional value), and if the next turn is not possible, alternative value will be nil.
Only you can determine downcast will be successful only when the use of compulsory forms (as!). When you try to downcast an incorrect type, in the form of mandatory type conversion triggers a runtime error.
class Subjects { var physics: String init(physics: String) { self.physics = physics } } class Chemistry: Subjects { var equations: String init(physics: String, equations: String) { self.equations = equations super.init(physics: physics) } } class Maths: Subjects { var formulae: String init(physics: String, formulae: String) { self.formulae = formulae super.init(physics: physics) } } let sa = [ Chemistry(physics: "固体物理", equations: "赫兹"), Maths(physics: "流体动力学", formulae: "千兆赫"), Chemistry(physics: "热物理学", equations: "分贝"), Maths(physics: "天体物理学", formulae: "兆赫"), Maths(physics: "微分方程", formulae: "余弦级数")] let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "固体物理", equations: "赫兹") print("实例物理学是: \(samplechem.physics)") print("实例方程式: \(samplechem.equations)") let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "流体动力学", formulae: "千兆赫") print("实例物理学是: \(samplemaths.physics)") print("实例公式是: \(samplemaths.formulae)") var chemCount = 0 var mathsCount = 0 for item in sa { // 类型转换的条件形式 if let show = item as? Chemistry { print("化学主题是: '\(show.physics)', \(show.equations)") // 强制形式 } else if let example = item as? Maths { print("数学主题是: '\(example.physics)', \(example.formulae)") } }
The above program execution output is:
实例物理学是: 固体物理 实例方程式: 赫兹 实例物理学是: 流体动力学 实例公式是: 千兆赫 化学主题是: '固体物理', 赫兹 数学主题是: '流体动力学', 千兆赫 化学主题是: '热物理学', 分贝 数学主题是: '天体物理学', 兆赫 数学主题是: '微分方程', 余弦级数
Any type conversions and AnyObject
Swift provides two types of aliases for special types of uncertainty:
can represent any instance of the class type. -
can represent any type, including the type of method (function types).
Only when you need it explicit behavior and FunctionsAny
. Use explicit type you expect in your code is always better.
Any examples
class Subjects { var physics: String init(physics: String) { self.physics = physics } } class Chemistry: Subjects { var equations: String init(physics: String, equations: String) { self.equations = equations super.init(physics: physics) } } class Maths: Subjects { var formulae: String init(physics: String, formulae: String) { self.formulae = formulae super.init(physics: physics) } } let sa = [ Chemistry(physics: "固体物理", equations: "赫兹"), Maths(physics: "流体动力学", formulae: "千兆赫"), Chemistry(physics: "热物理学", equations: "分贝"), Maths(physics: "天体物理学", formulae: "兆赫"), Maths(physics: "微分方程", formulae: "余弦级数")] let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "固体物理", equations: "赫兹") print("实例物理学是: \(samplechem.physics)") print("实例方程式: \(samplechem.equations)") let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "流体动力学", formulae: "千兆赫") print("实例物理学是: \(samplemaths.physics)") print("实例公式是: \(samplemaths.formulae)") var chemCount = 0 var mathsCount = 0 for item in sa { // 类型转换的条件形式 if let show = item as? Chemistry { print("化学主题是: '\(show.physics)', \(show.equations)") // 强制形式 } else if let example = item as? Maths { print("数学主题是: '\(example.physics)', \(example.formulae)") } } // 可以存储Any类型的数组 exampleany var exampleany = [Any]() exampleany.append(12) exampleany.append(3.14159) exampleany.append("Any 实例") exampleany.append(Chemistry(physics: "固体物理", equations: "兆赫")) for item2 in exampleany { switch item2 { case let someInt as Int: print("整型值为 \(someInt)") case let someDouble as Double where someDouble > 0: print("Pi 值为 \(someDouble)") case let someString as String: print("\(someString)") case let phy as Chemistry: print("主题 '\(phy.physics)', \(phy.equations)") default: print("None") } }
The above program execution output is:
实例物理学是: 固体物理 实例方程式: 赫兹 实例物理学是: 流体动力学 实例公式是: 千兆赫 化学主题是: '固体物理', 赫兹 数学主题是: '流体动力学', 千兆赫 化学主题是: '热物理学', 分贝 数学主题是: '天体物理学', 兆赫 数学主题是: '微分方程', 余弦级数 整型值为 12 Pi 值为 3.14159 Any 实例 主题 '固体物理', 兆赫
Examples AnyObject
class Subjects { var physics: String init(physics: String) { self.physics = physics } } class Chemistry: Subjects { var equations: String init(physics: String, equations: String) { self.equations = equations super.init(physics: physics) } } class Maths: Subjects { var formulae: String init(physics: String, formulae: String) { self.formulae = formulae super.init(physics: physics) } } // [AnyObject] 类型的数组 let saprint: [AnyObject] = [ Chemistry(physics: "固体物理", equations: "赫兹"), Maths(physics: "流体动力学", formulae: "千兆赫"), Chemistry(physics: "热物理学", equations: "分贝"), Maths(physics: "天体物理学", formulae: "兆赫"), Maths(physics: "微分方程", formulae: "余弦级数")] let samplechem = Chemistry(physics: "固体物理", equations: "赫兹") print("实例物理学是: \(samplechem.physics)") print("实例方程式: \(samplechem.equations)") let samplemaths = Maths(physics: "流体动力学", formulae: "千兆赫") print("实例物理学是: \(samplemaths.physics)") print("实例公式是: \(samplemaths.formulae)") var chemCount = 0 var mathsCount = 0 for item in saprint { // 类型转换的条件形式 if let show = item as? Chemistry { print("化学主题是: '\(show.physics)', \(show.equations)") // 强制形式 } else if let example = item as? Maths { print("数学主题是: '\(example.physics)', \(example.formulae)") } } var exampleany = [Any]() exampleany.append(12) exampleany.append(3.14159) exampleany.append("Any 实例") exampleany.append(Chemistry(physics: "固体物理", equations: "兆赫")) for item2 in exampleany { switch item2 { case let someInt as Int: print("整型值为 \(someInt)") case let someDouble as Double where someDouble > 0: print("Pi 值为 \(someDouble)") case let someString as String: print("\(someString)") case let phy as Chemistry: print("主题 '\(phy.physics)', \(phy.equations)") default: print("None") } }
The above program execution output is:
实例物理学是: 固体物理 实例方程式: 赫兹 实例物理学是: 流体动力学 实例公式是: 千兆赫 化学主题是: '固体物理', 赫兹 数学主题是: '流体动力学', 千兆赫 化学主题是: '热物理学', 分贝 数学主题是: '天体物理学', 兆赫 数学主题是: '微分方程', 余弦级数 整型值为 12 Pi 值为 3.14159 Any 实例 主题 '固体物理', 兆赫
Forced form of a switch statement in the case of the type conversion operator (as, but not as?) To check and conversion to a specific type.